
The Sales & Marketing Lead Engine​

A book written out of frustration that most B2B companies want to generate leads… but fails. How can it possibly go wrong? This book offers a practical guide and framework to overcome the challenge.

The Lead Engine: Going beyond ads and tactics to build a true commercial growth machine

Acquiring new customers through lead generation is a core priority in most B2B teams. Sellers always want more and better leads. Marketers are excited to get them and have a measurable impact… so why does it go wrong so often, and what can we do to fix it?

In this 200+ page book, I offer a practical guide and framework to overcoming these challenges, backed up by 10 real-world cases from companies like NNIT, Jabra, Templafy, SAS and more.

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The Sales & Marketing
Lead Engine

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About the book

"There are lots of articles, webinars and books on generating leads. Ads, channels, tactics and automating this and that. What I’ve found in my own experience as a marketing leader generating hundreds of millions of pipeline dollars through leads, is that it’s almost the least important part of the equation. Instead, what matters is that it becomes a true sales and marketing effort, with the right strategy and organization, as well as a clear plan for not just generating, but also qualifying and selling to leads. This is what I cover in the book and advise clients on today."
Brian Andersen
Author & Partner, Kvadrant Consulting

How to develop a lead engine

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