Organizational Design

Build high performing commercial teams and organizations, fit for the new B2B buying environment and ever changing market conditions.

Take your organizational design and transformation​ to a new level

The world in which the commercial organization operates has changed dramatically over the past decade, as B2B buyers have gone digital and companies themselves are moving to digitalize.

However, most commercial organizations are still organized around a world view where sales sells and marketing supports. A commercial organization’s reconfiguration is needed to bridge the gap between sales & marketing to foster more value creation.


Thoughts about organizing a B2B marketing organization

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What we do
We help CEOs and leaders build commercial teams that drive more value, autonomy, and engagement
Re-configuring the commercial organization to fit a new reality is essential but challenging because commercial leaders must “perform while transforming”. We help them succeed with that.

We help commercial leaders through the strategy process from research to decision-making and activation.


How we work with organizational design and transformation

When working with organizational design & transformation, no two projects are alike because no two companies and the business environments in which they operate are alike.

Similar to all projects, however, is the view that the commercial organization is a solution to meeting specific objectives (awareness creation, lead generation, sales, customer success, etc.) and addressing specific challenges. For this reason, we always start by clearly defined the objectives and areas of responsibility for the commercial organization to succeed with and the challenges the commercial organization needs to be structured around solving.

While the transformation of the organization might take longer, the process from start to a new organizational blueprint with associated operating model typically takes 3-4 months:

We take a practical approach to all commercial re-organization tasks, working closely with commercial leaders to co-create the new organizational blueprint based on our knowledge about best-practice, research about the company, and leaders’ understanding of what is achievable and desirable.

Case in point

How we created a new organizational blueprint for a global industrial company

The VP of Marketing & Communications at a global industrial manufacturer with $3bn annual revenues found that changing tasks and requirements for her global marketing organization had resulted in 70% of her employees effectively working as ad-hoc project managers and, as a result, effectiveness and efficiency of her global marketing engine was suffering.

She needed a new global marketing organization to better capture new areas of responsibility into small, focused teams, creating centralized excellence functions while improving regional marketing’s ability to drive local growth and create a more slim and efficient global marketing organization.

Over three months, Kvadrant Consulting worked with the global marketing leadership team to create a new organizational blueprint with the defined team and role descriptions and designing the transformation roadmap to built a global marketing organization fit for their new reality.

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